School Update - COVID 19 (Coronavirus) - 23/03/2020 - Update 2

First may I say thank you for your support over the past 7 days or so. It has not been easy on any of us, but your amenableness and understanding has helped enormously.
I think it is becoming clearer that schools may be closed for some time. It seems a little daunting, but may I reassure that we are here to help. Whilst school is now operating with a ‘skeleton’ staff, we will continue to set work for your young person and be available should they need pastoral support. We think it is really important young people get themselves in to a routine that includes a balance of activities. The information we sent home last Friday will hopefully help.
If you require any specific support with their learning (pens, paper, equipment, etc), then do please contact school and we will do our best to support you. Teachers will keep a close eye on those who are not engaging with work set - if there is a barrier to them accessing or completing work using Show My Homework (etc) please do let us know.
Year 11
We are now receiving information about how GCSE grades will be awarded. We will be in touch when we have a clear picture of how this will work in practice.
We have spoken to Shrewsbury Colleges Group and they have agreed to consider how they might best support those Year 11s who have applied to them, as they transition into post-16 education.
Keyworker provision in school
The government message about staying at home if at all possible has been largely adhered to. Although we had been contacted by over 60 ‘keyworker’ families, far fewer were in school today.
Please note that although schools will help and support, it is not compulsory for key workers' children to attend school. If a young person can stay at home safely then this is advisable. This means we can deploy the minimum number of staff and therefore expose the minimum number of children, staff and families to the spread of COVID19.
We are all learning as we go and finding our way through. Please follow the advice and socially distance wherever possible.
All the best